Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frozen pipes!

What a start to our day!  The first true cold snap of the season froze up our pressure pump works.

We dismantled the pressure switch and thawed the pieces in front of the wood stove.  Since we had it apart anyway, we replaced the pressure switch and pressure gauge.

We then discovered that the pipes at the back of the house were frozen.  We put a heater underneath and after a couple of hours, the water was flowing freely once again.

In the meantime, Kenny and Dad went to town to buy insulation.  They came back with R-19 faced Certainteed.  We are hoping it will be sufficient to keep the pipes from freezing again.

Dad and I went under the trailer to put up the insulation.  We didn't finish until 5:30 when it was completely dark.

We also put up temporary insulation in the pump house to prevent further freezing there.  Within a couple of days, we'll need to properly insulate it.

The Big Dipper was beautiful tonight.  A Barred Owl called from one part of the homestead while another owl, possibly a Great Horned, hooted from another direction.  I tried to photograph the halo around the moon, but just couldn't get the settings correct.

I intended to make fire starters today, but I'm flatly too worn out.

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